There was a Union forum in Chicago today (Tuesday). This means that many of the Democrat candidates for president were also in Chicago today. They were here to speak to union members because they all want their endorsement. I happened to see a small snippet on the news before the forum got started with a reporter interviewing some union members in Manny's coffee shop. There was an interviewer and two gentlemen, I use the term loosely, for the piece. It went something like this:
Interviewer: "So as you are looking at the Democrat candidates are you looking at specific issues or more of what kind of person they are?"
Brain Trust #1: "Um, ah, well, you know the whole package."
Interviewer: "What issue is really important to you in this election?"
Brain Trust #1: "Um, ah, um."
Interviewer: "Help him out Brain Trust #2, what is important?"
Brain Trust #2: "Well, I kind of like Edwards, but I don't think he is going to get the endorsement. I think the endorsement will go to Hillary. I don't think she will get elected though, but I guess if she gets the endorsement I'll support her, I don't know."
...Did you see an issue highlighted in this answer? Me, neither.
Interviewer: "So will you make up your own mind about who gets your vote or will you just go with whoever gets the endorsement?"
Brain Trust #1: "Anyone but Bush, anyone but Bush."
That's it, that was the whole interview. Unbelievable.
A: No @#%*& Sherlock. (Sorry for the language, but that's the expression) We have something called term limits for the office of President, so therefore, it would be impossible for it to be Bush again.
B: Wouldn't it be refreshing for the masses to actually think for themselves, or even have a thought at all on ANY of the issues?
I am unapologetically a Republican, however I form my opinions one issue at a time. To the other side out there, especially the Moms, I feel the need to paraphrase from one of my favorite movies "The Princess Bride." In the movie the evil little man keeps using the word, inconceivable. One of his cohorts finally looks at him and says, "you are always using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means." I submit to those of you that are Democrat or liberal, I do not think it means what you think it means. It really is not the party that watches over the "little guy", it's the party that works to keep class warfare alive. They are good at making it seem that it's the other way around. However, if you are a Democrat that has actually studied the issues, has formed your own opinions, and still chooses to be a Democrat, I say "we will agree to disagree, but more power to ya" because this is America and well reasoned debate is part of what makes us great. All I'm asking is that we THINK for ourselves.
O.K. I am finished. Back to fluff tomorrow, I promise.
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